The input file can be either an excel worksheet or a csv file. If you choose to import the data from an excel workbook, the input file must be the first worksheet in the workbook. If you'd rather use a csv file as your input, each transaction must be on its own line, contain no embedded commas in the numeric fields and use a comma to separate all fields. To create a valid csv file from excel, choose File Type = 'csv' from the file type drop down on the 'Save As' screen.
Regardless of the type of input file you choose, there should be no imbedded commas, double quotes, single quotes or decimal points in any of the fields.
All dates are in a month/day/year format: mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy. examples: 02/04/04, 02/04/2004, 2/2/04, etc.
1. Security (stock) name – up to 80 characters long with no imbedded commas;
2. Unique Lot Id – unique user defined identifier up to 50 characters in length. This field is not used in the calculation but is included in the output file;
3. Merger Date – mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy or blank;
4. Option or Stock – "Call", "Put", or blank for stock;
5. Option expiration month – 2 numeric positions, 01 through 12 – or blank for stock;
6. Option strike price – Do not use decimal points; eg., 42 1/2 not 42.5 – or blank for stock;
7. Enter Date – in the format mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy;
8. Exit Date – in the format mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy; but, if the lot is still open, then leave this field blank;
9. Number of shares/lots – maximum of 10 digits with no commas;(show short sales as negatives)
10. Cost – whole dollars only, maximum of 10 digits with no commas;
11. Proceeds – whole dollars only, maximum of 10 digits with no commas – or blank if the lot is still open;
12. Gain or Loss – whole dollars only, maximum of 12 digits without decimals and commas – or blank if the lot is still open.
If Fields 9 or 12 are negative, please use a '–' and not parentheses.
Click here to download an excel template for the input file
In addition to the 12 required fields listed above, the input file may also contain up to 3 additional unique lot ids. To include these fields in the input file, merely insert them after the standard Unique Lot Id (field 2) and before the Merger Date (field 3). The program will automatically adjust itself to accommodate these new fields and they'll be reflected in all of the output reports.