The file should contain one entry per line and have a comma between each of the fields. To accomplish this, the Excel entries should be saved as a "comma delimited file" otherwise known as a "csv" file.
There should be no imbedded commas, double quotes or single quotes in any of the fields.
All dates are in a month/day/year format: mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy. examples: 02/04/04, 02/04/2004, 2/2/04, etc.
Please note: A date of 00/00/0000 is invalid and the program will not process the file.
1. Security (stock) name – up to 80 characters long with no imbedded commas;
2. Account Id – unique user defined identifier up to 50 characters in length;
3. Unique Lot Id – unique user defined identifier up to 50 characters in length;
4. Date Acquired – in the format mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy;
5. Date Sold – in the format mm/dd/yy or mm/dd/yyyy; or blank if the lot is still open;
6. Number of shares – maximum length of 15 including a decimal point;
7. Original Price per Share – maximum length of 15 including a decimal point;
8. Sale Price per Share – maximum length of 15 including a decimal point;
9. Total Cost – maximum length of 15 including a decimal point;
10. Proceeds – maximum length of 15 including a decimal point; or blank if the lot is still open;
11. Gain or Loss – maximum length of 15 including a decimal point; or blank if the lot is still open;
If the Gain or Loss (Field 11) is negative, please use a '–' and not parentheses.
Click here to download an excel template for the input file
Once this file is prepared in Excel, you must save it as a "csv" or comma delimited file for Washems!. You do this by clicking on the "File" option in Excel's toolbar and then selecting "Save As". Once the "Save As" window opens, scroll down the file types until you see "Comma Delimited". Choose this type and key in a name for your file. You may use the original worksheet name since Excel appends a different suffix to the name indicating the file's type. Your Excel work file, for example will have the name "whatever.xls" and your saved csv file will be called "whatever.csv". Remember this name since you will have to tell it to Washems!.